Return to Peyton Place

1961 | Drama | TV-PG
Alison Mackenzie has left her hometown for New York City. While there she writes a scathing novel about the hypocrisy in her seemingly idyllic hometown. When the book comes out, its not-so-hidden references to town residents cause emotional mayhem. Alison's mother finds herself losing all of her friends when she defends her daughter. A local girl, Selena, is so shook up by the revelations in the book that she "snaps" and confuses her boyfriend with her dead, abusive father. The end result is a dead boyfriend and Selena in a mental institution. A possessive mother can't seem to let go when her son decides to marry. She terrorizes his young bride so much that the young woman attempts suicide while pregnant with their child.
Featuring: Carol Lynley, Jeff Chandler, Eleanor Parker, Robert Sterling, Tuesday Weld
All times Eastern
Fri, Mar 7 3:15AM Remind
Mon, Mar 10 11:25PM Remind
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